Client : 芳精堂
Date : 2013
Url :
季節の訪れを愛しみ、節句に子どもの成長を願う…。自然のリズムを見失いがちな今日だからこそ貴重な、いまの「時」を愛でることの大切さ。芽吹き花咲く春を祝う「菜種御供」をモチーフに制作した、180年続く老舗「芳精堂」のためのポスター。 "Heart will bloom" Houseido A Poster for the shop that sells Japanese traditional ornaments, Hina dolls and display goods for seasonal festival. I expressed that people's heart will bloom by enjoying seasonal greeting. Up above spring celebrational craft art, blossom branches form the traditional grass crown shape. This poster was greeted cheerfully by the client and will be used for Hina Doll sale in spring.
AD,D :渡辺一郎
P :黒石敏行
カリグラフィー: 千穂
April 17, 2014 22:34:08