Client :
Date : 2018
Url :
CI/VI/シンボル/ロゴ/タイプフェイス, 環境/空間
老舗グランドホテルのサインリニューアルを開業55周年に向けて実施。増築などで複雑になった既存サインを一から見直し、宴会場やレストランのネーミング提案、デジタルサイネージの導入まで含めたデザインシステムとして構築した。 Signage renewal for the long-established Grand Hotel in preparation for its 55th anniversary. The existing signage, which had become complicated due to expansions and other factors, was reviewed from scratch, and a design system was created that included naming suggestions for the banquet rooms and restaurants and the adoption of digital signage.
October 07, 2020 15:33:08