Client : Sesami street partners japan (SSPJ)
Date : 2008
Url :
Ambient Design, Spatial Graphics
世界的イベントである「COW PARADE」。 2008年の東京丸の内での開催に対し、SSPJよりデザイナーとして公式依頼により制作。エルモをモチーフにした通称「ELMO COW」は、最大得票数を獲得した。 CowParade is an international public art exhibit that has been featured in major world cities. Fiberglass sculptures of cows are decorated by local artists, and distributed over the city centre, in public places such as train stations, important avenues, and parks. They often feature artwork and designs specific to local culture, as well as city life and other relevant themes. After the exhibition in the city, which lasts many months, the cows are auctioned off and the proceeds donated to charity. There are a few variations of shape, but the three most common shapes of cow were created by Pascal Knapp, a Swiss-born sculptor who was commissioned to create the cows specifically for the CowParade series of events. Pascal Knapp owns the copyrights to the standing, lying and grazing cow shapes used in the CowParade events.
December 03, 2014 12:09:36