Client : 株式会社イマオコーポレーション
Date : 2017
Url :
Posters, General Graphics (2D), Ambient Design, Spatial Graphics
1928年に折りたたみ傘の構造を考案し特許を取得、同年に生産をはじめたドイツの傘ブランド「クニルプス」。その折りたたみ傘の構造と機能、テキスタイル、動画などを交えて紹介した展覧会。空間グラフィックと案内状のグラフィックデザインを担当しました。 Knirps is a German umbrella brand that invented and patented the structure of a folding umbrella in 1928 and began production in the same year. This exhibition introduced the structure and function of the folding umbrella, as well as textiles and videos. I was in charge of the spatial graphics and graphic design of the invitations.
Venue:Matsuya Ginza 7th floor, Design Gallery 1953 /
Organizer : Japan Design Committee /
Product design : Knirps Licence Corporation GmbH & Co.KG /
Textile design : Knirps , NUNO Corporation /
Exhibition Director:Reiko Sudo /
Photo : Nacasa & Partners Inc. /
PR & Spatial graphics design : Mayu Yamamoto
March 07, 2025 06:36:21