1979年生まれ。desegno ltd. アートディレクター。グラフィック、タイポグラフィー、ウェブサイト、インスタレーション、映像、プロダクトなど、ジャンルを問わず幅広く展開しながらも、表層にあるものだけでなく、状況や行動へ促すデザインを重視しています。
2007年、desegno ltd.を発足。店舗のブランディングを中心に活動を始め、現在では、建築・林業・飲食・ファッション・コスメ・食品・伝統工芸・美容・研究所・学校・劇団・そして個人に至るまで、様々な分野のデザインに取り組んでいます。
2017年、さらなる領域を目指し企業を対象としたコンサルティング会社「」に参画。2018年 創形美術学校非常勤講師就任。2020年 武蔵野美術大学基礎デザイン学科 非常勤講師。
Taniuchi Haruhiko was born in 1979. He is an art director at desegno ltd. Under the concept of “Identifying the problem and resolving the problem,” he has been involved in design projects in various forms not only in Japan but also overseas. His projects past and present have included graphic designs, typography, web designs, Illustrations, visual designs, and 3D products. While his work extends to wide range of genres, his core focus is not only to create designs to capture the surface image but also to stimulate actions from the design.
In 2007, Haruhiko established desegno ltd. Initially the majority of his work was company branding for retailers. In 2009, he established desegno ltd. New York office. In recent years, he has worked on projects for wide range of industries such as architecture, forestry, dining, fashion, cosmetics, food products, traditional arts, research labs, schools and theatrical companies.